Governing Body Membership

Seal Primary Academy Local Governing Body (LGB)

Mission Statement

Our aim at Seal is very simple: to provide the community with a high quality primary school that doesn’t settle for second best. We endeavour for our children to leave school with high quality skills and an unwavering belief and confidence in their ability. In order to do this, all the work we embark on at Seal follows our school motto:  Aspire, Believe and Achieve


Constitution of the Local Governing Body:

1 Headteacher
2 Staff governors
2 Parent governors
5 Appointed governors

Please click here to read the constitution of the Local Governing Body of Seal Primary Academy.

Chair of Governors:               Andrew Jenkins, an appointed governor

Vice-Chair of Governors:       Emma Russellan appointed governor

There is currently vacancies for 2 Parent governors & 3 appointed governors. If you are interested in joining the governing body at Seal contact the Chair of Governors at the school. See section below "How do I get in touch with the Governors?"

For correspondence with the Governors please contact the Clerk to Governors, Emma Symonds email or in writing to the school address, Seal Primary Academy East Street, Selsey, West Sussex, PO20 0BN